Even though the state of Kerala has advanced as compared to the other states of India in terms of critical health indicators are concerned, the state is facing challenges that are unique and specific. The people are now facing the problem of high morbidity both from re-emergence of communicable diseases and the second generation problems like the ageing population and non communicable diseases. Moreover, there remains the challenge of sustaining the privileged health indicators. Further, improving the quality of health care where the health seeking behaviour is very high is of utmost importance..Arogyakeralam has announced recruitment notification for Hospital Attender on contract basis on General hospital pathanamthitta for Covid Duty under National Health mission. 5-6-2020 the interested as well as eligible candidates can apply for Arogyakeralam Recruitment
Points to Remember
only contract basis
Interview Date : 5th June 2020
Age Limit-40 Years
notification link--- click here
Points to Remember
only contract basis
Interview Date : 5th June 2020
Age Limit-40 Years
Official link-- https://arogyakeralam.gov.in/2020/04/07/pathanamthitta-2/
notification link--- click here